

Whilst the EWC is primarily for ECMWF’s and EUMESTAT’s Member and Co-operating States, it is also available for WMO activities.

WMO Information System 2.0 (WIS 2.0)


The WMO Information System 2.0 (WIS 2.0) provides a framework for WMO data sharing. Users can contribute to and download data from the system.

While WIS 2.0 components could be deployed on any cloud, the EWC has been selected by Météo-France, one of the main contributors to WIS2.0, to host one of the core components during the pre-operational phase. 

Unlike the HPCF, the EWC is designed to run applications that provide a service available to external users. This example and others showing that the EWC could be interconnected with other clouds and other services around the world is invaluable and demonstrates the more outward-facing aspects of the EWC.