Accounting Dashboard


In order to ensure a fair share of resources for all EWC users while keeping usage as flexible as possible, the EWC implements an accounting of the cloud resources usage to keep track of the consumption against the provided allocations.

The cloud resources allocations are granted free of actual charge for the ECMWF and EUMETSAT Member and Co-operating States, however the accounting is needed to keep track of the usage according to the respective share.

Each type of deployed resource is accounted hourly based and deduced from an annual budget expressed in a virtual cloud billing unit "EWCU". In addition, each type of resource has a quota defining hard limit which can't be exceeded at any point of time. 

The accounting dashboard portal allows the users to see how much budget is left and to analyze the consumption along with the quota.

Two main dashboards are available:

1) Computing Representative dashboard, providing overview of the annual budget and consumption.

2) Tenant dashboard, providing more detailed information on the usage.

Both dashboards are available to the registered users, while the Computing Representatives can see all tenancies within their Member State and Tenant Admins can only see their own tenancies.

Accounting Dashboard Overview


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